Lex also has the option for GPT4 now and doesn't have a reputation for going totally off the rails like ol' Sydney. 😉

Have you encountered any 3rd party tools that allow access to GPT4's image processing feature? I'm quite curious about that and would like to learn more about how capable it really is.

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Damn, thanks for reminding me!

I actually intended this article to have a quick "bonus" section about Lex turning on the GPT-4 option. I'm a Lex user and did get Nathan's email about it incorporating GPT-4. It slipped my mind when I went to publish, so I think I'll update the article later.

As for GPT-4 visual input options, it doesn't seem like it's yet broadly available. Once it's out, I'll try to test it and maybe do a future post about the options!

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