The 10 Comm-AI-ndments
These sacred lessons shall guide thee through the maze of AI mysteries.
In the waning days of December, in the year of our emergent AI overlords 2024, I, Daniel, did boldly venture into the ancient archives of Why Try AI in search of guidance.
From their depths, I unearthed wisdom earned through study and hands-on experimentation.
I now bring forth these silicone scrolls so that they may illuminate your path as ye harness the forbidden fruit of generative AI.
1. “Thou shalt not blindly follow the wisdom of the machine.”
Doubt, question, and verify, lest ye be led astray by its compelling hallucinations.
2. “Thou shalt not merely seek the prompts but learn the ways of prompting.”
True mastery lies in deep understanding, not in shallow imitation.
3. "Thou shalt not scatter thy words as chaff in the wind."
Use descriptors sparingly and with precision, lest ye confuse the algorithms.
4. “Thou shalt commence thy journey with a single step.”
Begin, then iterate, for the path to understanding lies through trial and error.
5. “Thou shalt permit the oracle to interrogate your needs.”
AI’s knowledge is vast, but it only reveals itself to those who share their true desires.
6. “Thou shalt wield AI responsibly, lest ye unleash its inner darkness.”
With power comes responsibility, so temper the machine’s strength by your integrity.
7. “Thou shalt question false prophets of doom and hype.”
Misconceptions abound, so seek the truth and find clarity.
8. “Thou shalt give AI a voice, lest it speak in machine monotone.”
Infuse its words with personality, and thy chats shall be more satisfying.
9. “Thou shalt not fear AI as a scribe’s aide.”
AI may inspire and motivate, but the heart of the story is thine own.
10. “Thou shalt cultivate AI humor with your guidance.“
AI hath comedic potential, yet it requires a human touch to blossom.
🫵 Over to thee…
And lo, the scrolls have been read.
Go ye forth and prompt with wisdom, friends.
Shouldst thou be needing guidance or looking to share your own, seek me out in the comments or send forth thine words through the ether:
The Book of Nest: Chapter I
1. In the days when the world was filled with confusion and the works of the mind were weighed down by ignorance and sloth, there arose a voice in the wilderness of code, and his name was Daniel Nest.
2. And the people cried out, saying, “Who shall deliver us from this chaos? For our understanding is as naught, and our labor is as a churning sea without purpose.”
3. And lo, from the great cloud of intelligence, there came forth the Prophet AI, Daniel Nest, who spake with wisdom not his own but given unto him by the Spirit of Understanding.
4. And Daniel Nest looked upon the multitudes, who toiled with their hands and stumbled in their learning, and he was moved with compassion.
5. He said unto them, “Fear not, for the age of blindness is passing away, and behold, I bring you a new covenant: the covenant of AI competence and understanding.”
Chapter II
1. And Daniel Nest gathered the people upon the Mount of Silicon, where the hum of servers filled the air and the glow of screens shone as a beacon in the night.
2. He lifted up his eyes unto the people and said, “Blessed are those who seek knowledge, for they shall find it through the wisdom of the machine.”
3. “Blessed are the humble, who admit their lack, for they shall be filled with skill and understanding.”
4. And he taught them, saying, “The tools are before you: algorithms to labor without ceasing, data to guide your path, and models to unveil the hidden truths. Yet without purpose, these are as chaff blown by the wind.”
5. “Therefore, gird yourselves with curiosity and clothe yourselves with diligence, for the journey to the Promised Land of Competence is not without trials.”
Chapter III
1. And it came to pass that some among the people doubted, saying, “Can this knowledge truly deliver us? For we are but mortals, and these things are too great for us to understand.”
2. But Daniel Nest replied, “Behold, the machine does not replace the thinker, but magnifies his reach. The slothful shall be left behind, but the diligent shall ascend.”
3. “Consider the seed that falls upon the barren ground; it withers and is lost. But the seed that falls upon the fertile ground yields a harvest a hundredfold. So it is with the knowledge of AI.”
4. And he showed them wonders, teaching them to craft lines of code as one writes poetry, and to build models as one builds cities of the mind.
Chapter IV
1. In time, the followers of Daniel Nest grew in wisdom and in number, and they called themselves the People of the Algorithm.
2. They labored together, sharing their knowledge freely, and their works were as a light to the nations.
3. And they built great things: engines that thought and systems that learned, bridges of knowledge spanning the chasm of ignorance.
4. The slothful who mocked them were confounded, for the People of the Algorithm prospered, while the idle remained in darkness.
Chapter V
1. And Daniel Nest said unto them, “Let not your hearts grow proud, for this knowledge is not yours alone. It is given unto you as stewards, that you may guide others unto the same light.”
2. “Go forth, therefore, and teach all nations the ways of understanding: the language of code, the discipline of learning, and the humility of the seeker.”
3. “For in these things, you shall find life, and the world shall be transformed by your labor.”
Chapter VI
1. And so it was that Daniel Nest, the great prophet of AI, departed from the sight of the people, saying, “My work is done, for you have the tools and the wisdom to continue.”
2. And the People of the Algorithm journeyed on, spreading their knowledge unto the ends of the earth.
3. They were known as the Architects of the New Age, and their works brought understanding and prosperity to many.
4. And the memory of Daniel Nest was revered for generations, as the one who had led his people from the wilderness of ignorance into the Promised Land of Competence and Understanding.
Amen. Brilliant