Jun 1, 2023Liked by Daniel Nest

I would go with option 2.

In this scenario, I don't think Bing is your friend. Much of these struggles would have been avoided with ChatGPT, even the 3.5 version. I'm not convinced Bing is remembering what the Javascript is supposed to connect with and is giving you generic responses.

But with the confines of your challenge it's probably too late to switch to ChatGPT.

Very curious to see how this works out, especially once you get to the functional stage, but still need troubleshooting.

Don't hesitate to paste your entire code snippet into Bing and ask it for very specific solutions.

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Yeah I'm leaning towards the same option, and then skipping to #4 if I'm not getting closer after a while. I actually think option #2 is perfectly suited for restarting with a fresh ChatGPT conversation using Bing's "Step 3" brief.

Having said that, in my past (granted, very limited) experience when coding that basic computer game, Bing came out on top and fixed the original ChatGPT code that ChatGPT struggled with even after several iterations.

Then again, you're the second commenter to indicate that Bing isn't the best choice for coding, so I might try both and see what happens!

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Thisi s a great idea for a writing series! I could help you out of your problem, but I think that would detract from what you're trying to do. :)

Keeping with your constraints, I'd try resummzaring your current problem and resubmitting it to the LLM. If Bing Chat isn't getting it, your could use Perplexity AI to get a few free GPT-4 queries, or Poe.com to get some free Claude queries.

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Ha, I'm sure any developer worth their salt is looking at my struggles and tearing their hair out, screaming "This is so obvious, you idiot!"

But as you said, the entire point is to see whether even a complete beginner can scrape something together by relying purely on AI. If I get to an MVP version of the site eventually, it could be fun to polish it up with the help of someone's actual expertise. Let's see.

And thanks for the Perplexity AI and Poe pointers. I'm aware of both and have used Perplexity way back when it was one of the few AI-powered search engine options, well before Bing Chat became a thing. Surprised to see that it can actually spit out code now!

I may give it a spin if I get nowhere with Bing and ChatGPT. Stay tuned!

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Jun 1, 2023Liked by Daniel Nest

I think using Bing is a really bad idea. ChatGPT with GPT3.5 would easily handle this. Bing is tuned for finding and summarizing search results from websites, it cannot create code at the same level as ChatGPT.

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Thanks for the input! In my limited experience when using ChatGPT and Bing to code the computer game a few weeks ago, I actually found Bing to be more useful and ended up relying on it to fix the original ChatGPT (3.5) code that ChatGPT tried and failed to fix on its own. But that's a very limited benhmark, of course.

I'll give this a try with the free ChatGPT version as well and see which one turns out to be the most useful. Stay tuned for the verdict!

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This is great! Love how you're going back and forth with Bing in these friendly arguments!

Here's my account of building a website with chatGPT as my teammate, which worked pretty well! We didn't use any API calls so that's definitely more of a challenge, but I vote for keeping at it and I'm sure you'll figure it out together!


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Jun 2, 2023·edited Jun 4, 2023Author

Thanks for sharing - that's a neat experiment! Cool to see that you've been on a similar journey earlier. I may even give both Replit and Netlify from your post a shot for coding and hosting if I get that far.

I'll keep hammering at it while reserving the right to switch to a simpler useful website if I get too stuck. Stay tuned!

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