I *think* I'm opted in to SGE (I've had AI search for a good while now, and I use Bard and all that stuff). I don't see "generate" in the middle of my search results, though. Do you think access could be rolled out unevenly?

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Unfortunately, SGE is one of the things I don't have access to myself (being in Europe isn't the best for AI). It's entirely possible that they have a staggered rollout just like OpenAI for new ChatGPT features.

For what it's worth, here's what I found about how to opt in to SGE: https://support.google.com/websearch/answer/13572151?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid

See if there are any of the criteria listed that you don't fulfil?

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I think I have all this done. I saw this at the top: "Important: Currently, Search Labs is available to a limited number of people in the US, India, and Japan. It’s only available in English, Hindi, and Japanese."

That probably explains it!

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But you fulfil those criteria, no? Unless the "limited number of people" implies a subset within a subset. In any case, curious to hear about your experience when you get access to the new SGE bells n whistles.

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I think they are pulling an Open AI here. They do this all the time with their features, rolling them out to subsets one at a time.

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